Partners - Energom

Energom is an engineering and manufacturing company situated in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, specialized in electrical, electro mechanical and automation field. Energom was founded in 2002 and has 142 employees and expanding in fields like Vacuum Technology, Energy, Automotive, Nuclear and Aeronautics. It is currently part of the French group “Gonzales” which has two companies in Romania, Energom in Cluj-Napoca and GMP in Floresti, Prahova, four companies in France (Gonzales Freres, Gonzales CMA, Gonzales Sevmhy and EPM5) and the most recent one in Vietnam (NhT).

Energom is currently organized in two business units:

  • B.U.I. – Business Unit Integration
  • B.U.E. – Business Unit Electric

A Project Management Office takes care that projects from both B.U.s are profitable, delivered in time and in quality requirements.

B.U.E. has a design department, specialized in the electric (Wiring diagrams, update diagrams, creation and wiring listing, risk analysis) and pneumatical design (pneumatical diagrams, updated diagrams), purchasing department and electrical workshop. The business unit has the capacity of working 5500h/month and deliver quality of the final products by working with experienced people (+5 years of experience for most technicians).

B.U.I. has a mechanical and automation design department, purchasing department and the workshop which includes metal work and assembly. Metal work manufacture steel, aluminum and stainless-steel parts (using laser cutting, CNC machining, surface treatment, conventional mill/lathe/drill machining, cutting on scissors, band saw, stamping, fold, welding, painting, etc.). Integration workshop has the capacity of assembling complex machines like roller/belt/gravitational conveyors, test benches, special control machines, etc.  Is also working on development, integration and commissioning of industrial equipment designed according to customer specifications.

ENERGOM is ISO 9001/2015 certified for the study, manufacturing and commissioning of electrical, mechanical, electromechanical and automation machines.