The DEMETRA project held its first multiplier event in Budapest on 23 November 2018. The event was organized by the Hungarian Plastics Industry Association, the main purpose of which was to present the project to decision makers, both actors of dual education and plastics industry companies. The event was opened by Gáborné Pölöskei, Deputy State Secretary, ITM, who gave a detailed account of the current situation of VET and introduced new actors in the field (e.g. Vocational Training Council and Digital Community Workshops), as well as the government's VET policy. Read more
The first learning -teaching activity took place on 27-29 June, 2018 ,in Piraeus, Greece. The aim of the training was to equip the partners with the knowledge needed to develop the training material in WBL (work base learning) and ECVET.
The training included 3 days. Read more
The short-term joint staff training took place between the 26th of February 2019 and the 1st of March 2019. It focused on gamification methodology and Z generation, how to apply gamification in WBL. It was held in order to review and test the developed training materials, and to train our partners’ training staff on how to deliver it in companies in different countries. Read more
PEMÜ had its Multiplier event on the 21st of May 2019, the title of the conference was: Overview of the VET strategic development issues based on the requirements of Industry 4.0. The number of participants were 72 people, including the leaders and teachers of schools giving the theoretical education, the representatives of the chambers, the principals of elementary schools and the representatives of the industry. Read more
The conference was named DISCUSS LEARNING – “Vocational Education and Enterprises: Forming tomorrow’s employees”, since its scope was to promote discussions between education organisations, policy makers and the world of business. Mr. Grigorios Chatziantoniou made an opening presentation of the DEMETRA project and described the competence catalogue for corporate mentors/instructors, and the DEMETRA Model. Read more
Pilot training of mentors, instructors, and foremen of vocational training, 16-17 October , 2019, Esox-plast, L.t.d., Uhorská Ves, Slovakia. A 2-day pilot training for 8 mentors, instructors, and foremen of vocational training within a project DEMETRA was organised by a company Esox-plast, L.t.d. The training was aimed at application of gamification methods in practical training of dual education. A Slovak project partner, a company A-OMEGA, L.t.d., was responsible for preparation of curriculum for this training. Read more
Multiplier event in Cluj (Romania)
The main aim of the conference was to increase the interest of teachers and educational coordinators in new educational methods, while providing informational support to student.
Initially the proposed date was 9th of April, but given the Corona Virus situation and the fact that Romania was in a state of emergency, we had to postpone it until the 16th of July. Read more
Multiplier event in Kecskemét (HU).Conference held it 3rd of July 2020, in Kecskemét. Tilte of conference was: gamification in education.
Pursuant to the original plan, the multiplier event would have been organized in Budapest, on the 27th of March. The conference room, and participants were booked accordingly.