

A competence catalogue for corporate mentors/instructors based on a Z generation desk research and focus group interviews with students experiencing WBL methodology, with corporate mentors/instructors and with company leaders/executives of industry or education. The Z generation desk research measures the most important trends in the relationship between the 15-18 year old generation and the world of work.
The focus group interviews have been carried out with the participation of at least 50 students from Hungary and 20 from Slovakia, Romania and Greece, and 10 mentors and 10 decision makers from each partner country. Further to the interviews, the participants filled in questionnaires. The general summary report of the survey together with the competence catalog can be found here. Click here for a shorter version of the report.



Training material consisting of a Guidebook, a Methodology, which applies gamification based approach and a Case study collection that contains the best WBL practices in the plastics and related industries.
The training material consists of a theoretical guide for corporate trainers and mentors in charge of work based learning, as well as a case study collection, and a practical exercise book with gamification elements to provide help for companies who are planning to introduce work based learning.
Its most important innovative element is the application of gamification in practice. The techniques of gamification are suitable for lessening the gaps between the generations, and for testing and applying motivating elements that support knowledge acquisition on the one hand, and integration into the social and working environment on the other hand. The training material will be available by the end of August, 2019.  You can read here the desk research results of the project on Gen Z. 




Training of corporate mentors/instructors in Hungary, Romania and Slovakia focusing on how to create and adapt gamification methodology as well as situational games in WBL practices.
The goal is to get mentors acquainted with the new innovative gamification related exercises, as well as to support the improvement of their trans-competences explored according to output 1. The 3-day training programme will be developed for a face to face training, with the participation of at least 5 to 8 mentors/instructors in Romania, Slovakia and Hungary. The mentor training material will be finalized on the basis of participants’ feedback. The training will be held during the last four months of 2019.                                                       Pilot training of mentors in Slovakia




Pilot training, at which corporate mentors will apply the new methods acquired during the mentors' training in Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, supported by supervision in Hungary.
Pilot training is about how to apply the knowledge acquired at the mentors' training of output 3 in the everyday teaching processes.
During the mentors' training, the trans-competences of corporate mentors are developed and they acquire gamification techniques in order to enhance motivation of their students and to harmonize the requirements of the job market and the needs of the upcoming generation.
Now, these techniques will be tested in WBL practice, and then the feedback of the students as well as mentors about the efficiency of applying these methods will be collected by means of focus group interviews. Final conclusions of the interviews and the assessment results will be compared to those of the focus group interviews in the early period of the project, and special attention will be given to feedback on the new techniques. Elements of feedback will be integrated into the final materials of the project. Output 4 will be developed between January and April of 2020.








Other project products can be found on this site, including the project quality manual, dissemination materials (radio recordings, videos, and TV appearances).


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