The accelerated and steadily changing economics and social environment is a constant challenge for both employers, and training institutions. Employers want to employ staff with extensive theoretical knowledge and up-to-date industry know-how. Not only in Hungary, but also in Europe, it is a commonplace issue to coordinate the vocational training system and the world of work, as the knowledge and skills of those who graduated in vocational training systems often do not cover employers' expectations.
The introduction of dual education attempts to solve this problem and puts work-based learning into the foreground. The mentor working in companies plays a very important role in this process as being a bridge between the school and the workplace, they help students in the orientation between the two worlds.

Supporting the work of the mentor and thus making the dual education more effective were the main aims of the TREBAG intellectual property and Project Manager Ltd, when designed the project titled DEMETRA (Development of a Methodological Training for Company Instructors Providing Work-Based Trainings in the Plastics and Related Industrial Sectors) in cooperation with its consortium partners, then launched in November 2017 with the support of the Erasmus + programme. During the project 2017-01-HU01-KA202-035951, a training material will be developed for the mentors which focuses on the learning habits of generation Z, thus helping the effectiveness of the training provided by mentors.

The development of the training material is preceded by a survey in 4 countries, then a set of mentors will learn the curriculum and methodology developed on the basis of the survey results, who will also use the lessons learned during their own work. Based on the practical experiences and feedback gained, the consortium will finalize the training material and make it available to the interested parties.

The project is implemented by 7 institutions from 4 countries. Besides the consortium leader TREBAG Ltd., PEMÜ Plc. and the Hungarian Plastics Association participate from Hungary. Further partners are A-Omega from Slovakia, Babes-Bolyai University and Energom from Romania, and IDEC from Greece.
Completion of the project and publication of results are expected in April 2020.