PEMÜ - Multiplier event

PEMÜ had its Multiplier event on the 21st of May 2019, the title of the conference was: Overview of the VET strategic development issues based on the requirements of Industry 4.0.  The number of participants were 72 people, including the leaders and teachers of schools giving the theoretical education, the representatives of the chambers, the principals of elementary schools and the representatives of the industry.

Gáborné Pölöskei, Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Innovation and Technology presented the current situation in the vocational training and the future plans that are included in the newly released Vocational Training 4.0 strategy, so the participants received information at first-hand about the expected changes and its advantages.

Marianna Berczellyné Nagy (Director, Vocational Training Centre of Tatabánya region) also gave a presentation about the future of the vocational training center, but focusing on the regional challenges.

Elvira Hajdárné Molnár, the president-CEO of PEMÜ also gave a presentation about the Industry 4.0 challenges, which is also very important from the point of view of the DEMETRA project as the students currently studying are and will face the challenges of Industry 4.0 changes.   

About the aim and results of the DEMETRA project, Lilla Udvarosné Hajdár, the project manager of PEMÜ gave a presentation.

After a lunch, the conference ended with the visit of the vocational training center and the plant area.